
【加拿大移民、难民和公民部 2024-5-7消息】

加拿大继续支持香港居民,支持他们的自由和民主。我们将继续关注香港局势,以确保我们的移 民计划能够满足希望来加拿大的香港居民的需求。 

加拿大于 2021 年 2 月 8 日为在加拿大的香港居民推出了永久居留的途径,作为加拿大对香港事 态发展的回应的一部分。由于申请量大,这一途径的处理时间也随之延长,许多申请人可能在永 久居民申请最终确定之前,其在加拿大的临时身份就已到期。 

一项新的公共政策将在未来几周内推出,让香港永久居民申请者在等待永久居民申请决定期间, 延长其身份并获得加拿大新的开放式工作许可。 

自 2024 年 5 月 27 日起,以下人士可获得开放式工作许可: 

  • 根据加拿大香港居民临时公共政策的 A 类(加拿大境内毕业生)或 B 类(加拿大工作经 验)申请永久居民,以及 

  • 在收到永久居民申请前的 3 年内持有工作或学习许可 

新的公共政策将持续 5 年,以便申请人在继续处理其永久居留申请的同时,延长其在加拿大的临 时身份。 

在加拿大拥有临时身份的人或其监护人有责任根据需要延长其身份。如果外国公民在其当前的工 作或学习许可到期前提交了延长其在加拿大的工作或学习许可的申请,则在对其延长申请作出决 定之前,其合法身份将继续有效。这被称为 “维持身份”。 

如果申请人的临时身份在申请新的开放式工作许可前 90 天内过期,他们可以根据这项公共政策 提出申请,同时恢复其身份。如果申请人的临时身份在申请新的开放式工作许可前 90 天内过 期,则其申请将不被批准。 


New temporary public policy to  benefit Hong Kong permanent  residence applicants 

Ottawa, May 7, 2024—Canada continues to stand by Hong Kong  nationals and supports their freedom and democracy. We  continue to monitor the situation in Hong Kong to ensure our  immigration programs remain responsive to the needs of  Hong Kong residents wishing to come to Canada. 

A pathway to permanent residence for in-Canada Hong Kong  nationals was launched on February 8, 2021, as part of Canada’s  response to developments in Hong Kong. Due to a high volume of  applications, processing times for this pathway have grown, and  many applicants are at risk of seeing their temporary status in  Canada expire before their permanent residence applications are  finalized. 

A new public policy will be launched in the coming weeks to let  Hong Kong permanent residence pathway applicants extend their  status and get a new open work permit in Canada while they wait  for a decision on their permanent residence applications. 

Starting May 27, 2024, open work permits will be available to  those who both 

  • applied for permanent residence under Stream A (in-Canada graduates) or Stream B (Canadian work experience) of the temporary public policy for Hong Kong residents in  Canada, and

  • held a work or study permit in the 3 years before their application for permanent residence was received

The new public policy will remain in place for 5 years so that  applicants can extend their temporary status in Canada while the  processing of their permanent residence application continues. 

Those with temporary status in Canada, or their guardians, are  responsible for renewing their status as needed. A foreign  national who submits an application to extend their work or study  permit in Canada before their current permit expires continues to  have legal status until a decision is taken on their extension  application. This is called “maintained status”. 

If an applicant’s temporary status expired in the 90 days before  applying for a new open work permit, they can apply under this  public policy and restore their status at the same time. If their  temporary status expired more than 90 days before they try to  apply for this new open work permit, their application will not be  approved. 

For more information, please visit our website.

Author: 金宏

本栏目编辑简介: 加拿大多元文化媒体联盟副主席兼秘书长,CC.NEWS主编,现代汉语研究生学历,早年曾为摄影记者。 CC.NEWS 是以文字、视频、图片三位一体同步即时报道属地新闻,具有独立域名网站并于联邦政府登记注册的自采自创型数字融媒体平台,发布内容全球可见。